electromagnetic methods (EM) used in geophysics

Authors: Jean-Luc Mari, Ludovic Peignard, David Andreis and Jean-Francois Girard

This online course introduces electromagnetic methods (EM) used in geophysics.

The online EM course does not constitute a complete course in itself; referral to references remains essential. To do so, the reader is kindly invited to take note of our selection of references, gathering fundamental papers and books.

For professionals, it will be a source for reviewing EM fundamentals and seeing different domains of EM applications (Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) in near surface geophysics, Magnetotellurics (MT) for geothermal prospection, marine Controlled Source Electromagnetics (mCSEM) for reservoir studies and detection of hydrocarbon...).

Teaching staff should find it provides a means of tackling the teaching EM techniques.


DOI : 10.2516/ifpen/2017001