MT > MT for onshore oil discovery

Uzbekistan, along with Russia and other FSU countries have long histories deploying MT measurements on their oil and gas fields especially for those one that are poorly covered by seismic. In this particular example, Uzbekgeofizyka partnered with Phoenix Geophysics and deployed a very large, dense MT survey over East Buzakhur. This present a subset of the vast amount of results collected through this program. For this presentation the results shown here will concern the East Buzakhur – Karabay contact and the eventuality of deeper connections to the results we measure.

MT was tasked with the following:

  1. bring additional information regarding the extent of the of the hydrocarbon system West of the main fault
  2. Confirm and map the fault s that control the East extent of the hydrocarbon system
  3. Bring additional information that better characterize the source of these systems, their origin and their relations from one basin to the next one, if any.
  • Step 1: major Mesozoic hydrocarbon bearing basins in Uzbekistan
    There are four major Mesozoic hydrocarbon bearing basins in Uzbekistan: Ustyurtsky (I), Bukaro-Khivinsky (II), Sukhagaruinsky (III) and Fergansky (IV). 2D and 3D seismic, along with Gravity are standard measurements deployed to better understand the trap systems within these basins. Some of these basins, and in particular Sukhagaruinsky, have difficult access and a rough topography, making seismic difficult and very expensive.

  • Step 2: Exploration of the East Buzakhur (III) area
    Exploration of the East Buzakhur (III) area from the Sukhagaruinsky basin was conducted in 2008. Exploration wells were based on limited 2D datasets with a fair amount of success however many questions remains. A main N-S fault system runs across a major anticline reveals by seismic that bears hydrocarbons west part of the main fault (East Buzakhur) and absence of them on the east part (Karabay).
    The seismic dataset is fairly limited and unfortunately very incomplete on Karabay.

We thank Phoenix Geophysics for providing the example. Special thanks to Yann Avram for giving us the opportunity to include the example in our e-book.